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Product Description & Technical Document

DS-0201202116001421-1555-EN TECHNICAL DOCUMENT

High speed reaction in a time period less than 10 milliseconds Cylinder capacity: Different sizes between 8 – 10 litres 
Pressure indicator Super pressurisation: Dry nitrogen
Selenoid activation Cylinder nominal pressure: 45 – 100 Bar
Harmless to human life Weight : 24-30 kg for 8-10 lt capacity
Refillable by refill kit MIL-STD-810H, MIL-STD-461G, MIL-STD-1275E certifications
MTBF duration of 250,000 hours Conforming to UL, CE GOST-R standards
Extinguisher active substance: Liquid AFFF(Biological) Operating temperature : -32 / +71 C°
IP67 water and dust ingress protection Vertical and horizontal locating option 

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external fire suppression system, External Body fire extinguishing system, explosion suppression system, cabin fire suppression system, tire fire extinguishing system, automatic fire suppression system, automatic fire extinguishing system, Crew Compartment Fire Suppression System



The LIFEC Liquid Agent Extinguisher is an advanced fire suppression system designed to combat Class A and Class B fires, especially those involving flammable liquids like gasoline, oil, and solvents. This fire extinguisher uses a specialized liquid to extinguish fires by cutting off oxygen, making it highly effective for fire safety in environments such as homes, industrial facilities, military vehicles, marine safety, and data centers. It plays a critical role in protecting sensitive equipment and providing reliable explosion protection.


Where to Use

The LIFEC Liquid Agent Extinguisher is ideal for suppressing liquid fires in automobile service centers, garages, oil refineries, power generation facilities, medical facilities, and marine fire suppression systems on ships. This fire suppression system is crucial for use in military fire suppression applications, such as armored vehicles, where UV-IR Detectors and gas suppression systems are vital. Whether it’s an FM200 suppression or HFC227ea fire extinguishing system, the LIFEC extinguisher ensures comprehensive fire safety.


Types of LIFEC Liquid Agent Extinguishers


LIFEC Foam Agent Extinguisher: Uses foam to suppress Class B fires by creating a barrier between the fuel and oxygen.

LIFEC Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Agent Extinguisher: CO2 is perfect for clean agent suppression, especially in electrical fire safety and data center fire protection, as it leaves no residue.

LIFEC Chemical Powder Agent Extinguisher: Ideal for multi-class fire suppression, particularly in explosion-prone environments where RPG protection or ATGM protection is needed.

LIFEC Water Agent Extinguisher: Commonly used for Class A fires, suitable for general-purpose fire suppression in homes, offices, and industrial sites.



Designed to combat both solid combustibles and flammable liquids, making it versatile for fire suppression in industrial fire safety, military safety, and marine environments.

The liquid agent inside prevents the spread of fire and is environmentally friendly, posing no harm to the ozone layer.

Equipped with UV-IR Detectors and compatible with controller units for automatic fire suppression in critical safety scenarios.

Complies with NFPA 10 and UL 711 standards, ensuring it meets stringent requirements for explosion control, gas fire suppression, and military vehicle fire safety.

Easy to use, clean, and recycle, making it effective for quick response fire safety during emergencies.

Test Standards

The LIFEC Liquid Agent Extinguisher is tested according to the highest industry standards, including NFPA 10, UL 711, and NATO Stanag. Its fire suppression technology is tested for pressure resistance, leak tightness, and overall performance, making it suitable for sensitive equipment protection in data centers, medical facilities, and military and armored vehicles.


Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)

The AFFF fire suppression system is widely used in environments such as military facilities, power generation plants, and industrial fire suppression systems. AFFF uses water and chemical components like ethylene glycol and propylene glycol to create a foam that covers the fuel and prevents oxygen from reaching it, thus extinguishing fires. It’s especially effective in gas suppression environments where flammable liquids are present, like in oil refineries and marine vessels.


Toxicity Concerns with AFFF

While AFFF fire suppression systems are effective, they can contain PFAS chemicals like PFOA and PFOS, which are harmful if there’s long-term exposure. Regulatory agencies, such as the EPA, have begun phasing out these chemicals due to their potential to cause cancer. However, older AFFF fire extinguishers may still contain these substances. In response, the fire safety industry has shifted towards non-toxic alternatives that meet new regulations for safe fire suppression.

Technical Data Table
Extinguisher Active Substance

Liquid AFFF(Biological)

Protection Level


Cylinder Capacity

Different sizes between 8 – 10 liters

Super Pressurisation

Dry Nitrogen

Cylinder Nominal Pressure

45 – 100 Bar


24-30 kg for 8-10 lt capacity

Operating Temperature

-32°C – +71 C°