Biological Threat is a particular source of concern as especially most of the Biological agents are easy to be produced, carried and spread. Most of the diseases caused by Biological agents are quite contagious and in the meantime infected people continue to spread the disease and expand its scope further. As time is required for a biological attack to develop, it can be used as a destructive weapon with its spread.
Early warning, detection and identification of biological weapon attacks, are main biological defense com-ponents helping to lighten the consequences.

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Product Description & Technical Document


The main step for detection of a biological threat is ‘‘Potential hazard’’ warning. As a consequence of the warning, samples are collected and the hazard is identified. Identification system can be presented as au-tomatic and manual integrated to air measurement device. After the warning of a potential threat, system sends the measured air in liquid form to test kit without exterminating the biological threat within it and bio-logical agent is detected from the kit.

Bacteria – Virus – Mould – Fungus biological particle detection and warning is ensured.
It has Automatic and Semi-automatic instant sample collection and storage unit.
It stands by 365 days and there is no need for intermediate loading.
There is automatic instant detection system for 8 different biological agents.
Charbon (anthrax), plague, ricin (toxic biological agent), botulinum(paralysis), enterotoxin type B(stomach di-sease), brucella (animal disease- stomach disease), Tularaemia (rodent disease), orthopox (smallpox disease).
Mars BioReader system offers automatic or manual options.
Mars BioReader-Manual Sampling Mode: Sampling is performed with the help of buffer solution cotton and tube, and the personnel should wear special outfit or take samples behind biological cabin so as not to be exposed to biological agent.
Mars BioReader-Auto Sampling Mode: On automatic mode of the device, the device compounds the sample it takes from the air or from the liquid by straw with buffer solution automatically within the closed tank, drips it on the strip itself, makes the measurement itself and completely decontaminates the strip and the tank itself after the measurement and prepares them for next measurement.

After the sample is collected, strips are loaded to the device and automatic lock mode of the device is ac-tivated and it is locked for 60 seconds, it records strip result value to memory with the camera and the results obtained at the strip are logged into the device by using image processing technology and IR-UV lighting fe-atures. ID number of the person using the device and real-time GPS location of the device are automatically recorded into the device. The device can transfer this information to HAVELSAN Bridge C4I system in Turkey or can give instant regional warning by sending a notice to AFAD AYDES system.

Biological Detection System can log all biological and chemical and radioactive test measurement strips and papers and visual detectors, record measurement values in the sector.