NERO Industry which operates in United States of America, Bulgaria and Turkey at Ankara headquarters, is one of the largest subsystem manufacturers in Defence Industry.
As Nero Industry, we participated in the Defence Industry Talent Management Summit organised by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Presidency of Defence Industries and Defence Industry Academy within the scope of the National Competence Move.
We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün, President of Defence Industry, for leading this meaningful organisation, and Prof. Dr. Hakan Karataş, Vice President of Defence Industry, for his visionary leadership and contribution to the development of qualified human resources in the sector with the importance he attaches to talent management. We would also like to express our gratitude for his interest and support to our company.
#NationalCompetenceInitiative #NationalTalentInitiative #DefenseIndustryAcademy #AtTheSummit #NeroIndustry #DefenseIndustry #Success #HalukGörgün #DefenseIndustry #TalentManagementSummit @Prof.Dr.HalukGörgün @Prof.Dr.HakanKarataş
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