19 June 2020

NERO Catalogs Now Available for 4 New Language

NERO Catalogs Now Available for 4 New Language
19 June 2020

Ares Fire Suppression Systems UNECE R-107 Certified

Nero Industry Ares Automatic Fire Suppression Systems now UNECE R-107 regulation certified!
19 June 2020

Meeting with Malaysian Embassy

Many thanks to esteemed Charge d’Affairs (Ambassador of MALAYSIA) Arhan Syafrisyah Shah Anuar, esteemed Defence Attaché of MALAYSIA Colonel Abdul Halim bin Ismail and esteemed Lt.Commander Mohamad Fauzi Bin Jamal (Assistant Defence Attache) for the great the meeting.
19 June 2020

Meeting With Taiwan Embassy

Many thanks to esteemed Taiwan Ambassador Tai-hsiang CHENG and distinguished personnel of Ambassy for the great the meeting.
22 April 2020

Cumhuriyet – 2016 yılında projeye başlayan Nero Endüstri’ye destek yağdı

Nero Endüstri’nin Ankara Sincan’daki 1.6 milyar liralık tesis yatırımına hükümetten destek yağdı. Cumhurbaşkanı kararı ile tesise, vergi muafiyetleri ve vergi indirimlerinden enerji desteğine, personel desteğinden yatırım […]
21 April 2020

AA – Nero Endüstri’nin Ankara’daki yatırımına ‘süper teşvik’

Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı tarafından Nero Endüstri Savunma Sanayi AŞ’nin Ankara’da yapılacak sensör, güdümlü füze/roket tehdidine karşı lazer/radar tehdit algılama ve uyarı sistemi, kimyasal, biyolojik, radyoaktif, nükleer […]
19 March 2020

Six factors to consider when sourcing a power distribution unit

Most engineers are all too familiar with the term “electrification” in military vehicle and aircraft designs, defined as the conversion of a machine or system to […]
16 December 2019

Analysis of 24 Incidents Reveals #1 Cause of Machine Shop Fires

Most experienced machinists have seen at least one fire on the job. Cutting metals at high speeds creates plenty of opportunities for sparks to ignite flammable […]
26 November 2019

Why a Fire Recovery Plan is Important for Machine Shops

Many machine shops never recover after a fire while others, even those that incur significant fire damage, get up and running successfully. What sets these two types of […]