Nero Endüstri Savunma Sanayi A.Ş. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Bulgaristan ve Türkiye’de Ankara Merkezli olarak faaliyet gösteren Türkiye’de Savunma Sanayindeki en büyük alt sistem üreticilerinden bir tanesidir.
Fire, Yangın, Fire Suppression, Yangın Söndürme, Fire Extinguisher, Yangın Söndürücü, Extinguish, Söndürmek, Suppress, Bastırmak, Armored Vehicle, Zırhlı Araç, Armored, Zırhlı, Explosion Protection, Patlama Koruma, Military Safety, Askeri Güvenlik, HFC227ea, HFC227ea, FM200, FM200, Gas Suppression, Gaz Söndürme, Gas Agent, Gaz Ajanı, Fire Suppression System, Yangın Söndürme Sistemi, Fire Extinguishing System, Yangın Söndürücü Sistem, Fire Cylinder, Yangın Tüpü, Fire Suppression Cylinder, Yangın Söndürme Tüpü, Extinguishing Cylinder, Söndürücü Tüp, Cylinder With Hose, Hortumlu Tüp, Cylinder With Deflectors, Difüzörlü Tüp, RPG Protection, RPG Koruma, ATGM Protection, ATGM Koruma, Explosive Safety, Patlayıcı Güvenlik, NATO Stanag, NATO Stanag, Bogazici Savunma, Bogazici Savunma, Forum Engineering, Forum Engineering, AMAREX, AMAREX, Spectrex, Spectrex, Kidde, Kidde, Detectors, Dedektörler, UVIR Detectors, UVIR Dedektörler, Blackout Mode, Kapatma Modu, Aspiration System, Emme Sistemi, Safety Critical, Kritik Güvenlik, Controller Units, Kontrol Üniteleri, Control Detectors, Kontrol Dedektörleri, Fire Nozzle, Yangın Başlığı, Hydraulic Piping, Hidrolik Borulama, Valve System, Vana Sistemi, Double Shot, Çift Atış, Fire Safety, Yangın Güvenliği, Explosion Control, Patlama Kontrolü, Military Vehicles, Askeri Araçlar, Armored Safety, Zırhlı Güvenlik, Critical Safety, Kritik Güvenlik, Fire Detection, Yangın Algılama, Suppression Technology, Söndürme Teknolojisi, HFC227ea System, HFC227ea Sistemi, FM200 Suppression, FM200 Söndürme, RPG Defense, RPG Savunması, ATGM Defense, ATGM Savunması, Explosive Defense, Patlayıcı Savunma, NATO Defense, NATO Savunması, Fire Fighting, Yangınla Mücadele, Vehicle Fire Suppression, Araç Yangın Söndürme, Military Fire Suppression, Askeri Yangın Söndürme, Gas Fire Extinguisher, Gaz Yangın Söndürücü, Portable Fire Extinguisher, Taşınabilir Yangın Söndürücü, Data Center Safety, Veri Merkezi Güvenliği, Sensitive Equipment Protection, Hassas Ekipman Koruma, Electrical Fire Safety, Elektrik Yangın Güvenliği, FM200 Fire Protection, FM200 Yangın Koruma, HFC227ea Extinguisher, HFC227ea Söndürücü, Gas Cylinder, Gaz Tüpü, Marine Fire Suppression, Denizcilik Yangın Söndürme, Industrial Fire Safety, Endüstriyel Yangın Güvenliği, Oil Refinery Fire Protection, Petrol Rafinerisi Yangın Koruma, Power Generation Fire Safety, Enerji Üretim Yangın Güvenliği, Medical Facility Fire Safety, Tıbbi Tesis Yangın Güvenliği, UVIR Detection, UVIR Algılama, Flame Detectors, Alev Dedektörleri, Fire Suppression Valve, Yangın Söndürme Vanası, Fire System Controller, Yangın Sistemi Kontrolörü, Fire Alarm System, Yangın Alarm Sistemi, Advanced Suppression System, Gelişmiş Söndürme Sistemi, Emergency Fire Suppression, Acil Yangın Söndürme, Quick Response Fire Safety, Hızlı Müdahale Yangın Güvenliği, No Residue Fire Suppression, Kalıntı Bırakmayan Yangın Söndürme, Clean Agent Suppression, Temiz Ajan Söndürme, Safe Fire Suppression, Güvenli Yangın Söndürme, Explosion Safe, Patlamaya Dayanıklı, Gas Fire Suppression, Gaz Yangın Söndürme, Fire Hose Cylinder, Yangın Hortum Tüpü, Fire Deflector System, Yangın Difüzör Sistemi, Multi Shot Suppression, Çoklu Atış Söndürme, Marine Safety, Denizcilik Güvenliği, Fire Prevention, Yangın Öncesi Koruma, Industrial Fire Suppression, Endüstriyel Yangın Söndürme, Military Protection, Askeri Koruma, Tank Protection, Tank Koruma, Defense Vehicle Safety, Savunma Aracı Güvenliği, Combat Vehicle Fire Safety, Savaş Aracı Yangın Güvenliği, Vehicle Fire Detection, Araç Yangın Algılama, Critical Fire Safety, Kritik Yangın Güvenliği, Crew Safety, Ekip Güvenliği, Engine Fire Suppression, Motor Yangın Söndürme, Tire Fire Safety, Lastik Yangın Güvenliği, Wheel Fire Suppression, Tekerlek Yangın Güvenliği, Body Fire Suppression, Gövde Yangın Güvenliği, Automatic Fire Suppression, Otomatik Yangın Söndürme
As the global economy grows each year and becomes more interconnected, container yards must undertake the growing demand of moving containers and loading and unloading ships. Approximately 80 percent of goods are transported by sea with an estimated fleet of 56K merchant container ships. Plus, as new ships are built, the capacity of containers they can handle increases. Container ship capacity is measured in 20-foot equivalent units (TEU), and globally 827M TEUs are handled at container yards each year. This puts extreme wear and demand on container handling equipment.
While proper maintenance reduces the likelihood of equipment downtime, it does not totally eliminate risks factors, including fire risks. Hydraulic system failure can be unpredictable, and container handling equipment can catch fire when hydraulic oil leaks or sprays onto hot components in the engine compartment. Other sources of fire include diesel fuel leakage in the engine compartment and electrical faults in panels and electrical rooms on cranes. Installing automatic fire suppression systems near these hazards minimizes equipment damage from fire and safeguards employees.
NERO protects thousands of container handlers across the world from fire with our automatic fire suppression systems. When speaking with customers at container yards and terminals about why they choose to protect their equipment from fire, the same two answers are always heard:
Down equipment from fire means fewer teams have to work overtime to load and unload ships. If there isn’t enough equipment to meet demand, ships may even be turned away, leading to millions of dollars in lost revenue for a container terminal.
Not to mention, equipment repairs from fire can take months, and total equipment replacement can cost $500K to $30 million depending on the size and complexity of the equipment. Installing fire suppression in and on equipment safeguards your equipment, productivity, and the bottom line.
Because you can’t predict when an equipment fire will start and why it puts employees at risk. At container terminals, support teams and extinguishers can be far away from burning equipment, and the delay in response time can result in a rapidly growing fire. This puts operators in more danger as they need to get down from the equipment. On larger equipment, a fire could result in the loss of structural integrity and lead to collapsing booms and beams.
Unlike traditional fire extinguishers, NERO systems automatically detect and suppress fires in seconds – significantly decreasing the risk of serious and life-threatening burns, falls, and injuries from falling objects.
Not all automatic fire suppression companies can address all the hazards that exist on container handling equipment; From engines to electrical panels and electrical rooms, NERO has you covered no matter the hazard.
Our customers trust us with their productivity and their most important asset, the lives of their employees. This is a responsibility that we take seriously by providing the best in fire suppression technology at an affordable price. NERO systems are currently being utilized to protect port equipment across the Americas, Africa, Middle East, and Asia. When determining the ideal fire suppression system for your container handling equipment, NERO has you covered.
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Nero Endüstri Savunma Sanayi A.Ş. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Bulgaristan ve Türkiye’de Ankara Merkezli olarak faaliyet gösteren Türkiye’de Savunma Sanayindeki en büyük alt sistem üreticilerinden bir tanesidir.
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